Read Book Unbreakable Confidence: Handy Hacks to Boost Your Confidence and Achieve Success (Effective Habits)
Now you can Enjoy book Unbreakable Confidence: Handy Hacks to Boost Your Confidence and Achieve Success (Effective Habits) with detailed description:Product Description
Why do some people get all the dates (even if they are not necessarily the most attractive person in the room)? Why do others get all the prestigious work assgnments (even if they are not the most techncially compentent person in the office)? They have a special something that sets them apart from other people, something that makes others want to like them and want to support them.
That special ingredient is confidence. A belief in themselves an their abilities and you know what? You can have it too!
Inside You Will Learn:
•Why self confidence is so important;
•How to differentate between confidence and arrogance;
•The common reasons why people lack self esteem;
•How to work out why you have confidence issues;
•How improving your self-confidence can have a positive effect on your romantic and family life;
•How to use self-confidence to get ahead in the workplace;
•How self-confidence can help you in social situations;
•Tips and tricks for building your confidence levels;
•And much, much more
Illustrated with real life experiences and stories this book will help you to build your confidence so that you too can access all the benefits this important skill can bring to your life.
Product Details
- Sales Rank: #424499 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-04-28
- Released on: 2015-04-28
- Format: Kindle eBook
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