Best Love Beyond Kindness: Understanding Love in Others and Achieving Happiness and Fulfillment (Unity & Compassion)
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Loving Beyond Kindness: Understanding Love in Others and Achieving Happiness and Fulfillment, is all about providing readers with the right knowledge and understanding of how important it is to show the love of others through kindness. It also aims to provide a clear differentiation of kindness to other and love.
Love, despite its commonality in terms of usage, is one of the most misunderstood words. And despite having read so many books, articles and even its meanings in the dictionary, people still misinterpret love as the feeling that purely based on emotions and the attachment of a person to one or more individuals, such as a partner in life, siblings, children, relatives and friends.
And the same goes for kindness. This book would like to help readers understand that kindness can be based on different things, not on love alone. One can be kind to others, but does not mean that he or she is in love with the person; however, for one to be able to express true love, that person should be able to show selfless kindness, compassion and concern towards others.
Here is a preview of what you will learn from this book:
•Understand the difference between the concepts of love and kindness.
•Learn what self-less love is all about
•Know the benefits of unconditional love.
•Discover how self-less love and kindness can help a person achieve happiness and fulfillment in life and in their relationships with others.
•Find out more about how to show love and kindness to others.
This book aims to touch hearts and open the minds of readers to not just pass the word love around, but rather show the people their love that they are valued and cared for.
Do not delay and download this book today!
Product Details
- Sales Rank: #51762 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-05-05
- Released on: 2015-05-05
- Format: Kindle eBook
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