Best Book A Philtered Soul: How Passion, Perseverance, and a Damn Good Cup of Coffee Can Change Your Life
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Are you ready to find a little passion, purpose, peace of mind, AND professional success?
Idealistic plans and positive self-talk alone won’t get you there. Frantic hustling and stressed out grinding alone won’t get you there either. If you are looking for a better recipe to cook up this empowering combination, you’ve hit upon the right book.
A PHILTERED SOUL: How Passion, Perseverance, and a Damn Good Cup of Coffee Can Change Your Life provides an inspiring real-life story that shows you such a great-tasting dish is possible. It then provides you with some actionable strategies so you can cook up the same combination in your own life.
What is your current recipe for success?
Are you a part of the entitled generation? Do you think you can just wish for something in life and its magically going to happen? Think you can reach the top of your craft without sacrificing, setting goals, never wavering in their pursuit; and having the patience and resolve necessary to overcome any obstacles, challenges, and setbacks along the way?
Or are you sitting at the other end of the spectrum?
Are you miserable and stressed out living life according to someone else’s core values, but not your own? Do you feel like your life and your work is making a difference to those around you, to your community? Are you passionate about what you do, or are you just dragging through the hours to pick up a paycheck? Do you have cash flowing into your pocket, but nothing flowing into your soul?
Learn a better way from those who lead by example
There are plenty of business and self-help gurus that talk one way but live another. That’s why their advice sounds good on paper but falls flat in the real world. What we need are real world action takers that show us that this ever-elusive goal of combining passion, personal fulfillment, and professional success is even possible.
Philz Coffee provides us with such examples. They’ve grown from a cubbyhole coffee station in a corner grocery store into the Bay Area’s premier coffee shop, and have enjoyed that wild ride along the way. What was their secret recipe that you can steal for that same type of success?
It is simple -- follow your passion, perfect your craft, commit to your mission, persevere, be authentic, have faith, and care for your community.
Write your own success story
What is this book really all about then? It is about translating the lessons Philz learned and lived throughout their journey into practical strategies that can be applied in your own career, craft, or path.
We hope the story behind the cup motivates and inspires you to find and follow your own passion, contribute something great to your community, and become the best possible version of yourself.
When our conversation over a damn good cup of coffee is finished, you might just walk away with the fuel necessary to crush your challenges in business and in life, take a chance, change the world you work in, and maybe even change the world you live in.
Product Details
- Sales Rank: #467851 in Books
- Published on: 2015-04-20
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .23" w x 6.00" l, .32 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 92 pages
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